Monday 24 January 2011

Creamy carrot and parsnip soup

Hello monday peeps,

How was your day going? Well, today was my first day of classes in the second semester and i'm done. It's 2 pm and my grumpy tummy just started yelling for food. Then, i realised i need to share this one tasty yet the simplest soup ever...It's a combination of the veggies like the title mentioned above.Blimey, this soup is absolutely yummy and it will only take 15 minutes to prepare!

Serves 2
Los Ingredientes:

1 tablespoon of butter
Half of large onion,chopped
1 carrot,chopped
2 parsnips,chopped
1 grated fresh ginger OR you can use ginger powder for alt.
1 tablespoon of turmeric
3 tablespoon of single fresh cream
salt and pepper

a pinch of Basil


1. Put all the chopped carrots, parsnips, and onion into a blender. Before you blend all of them, put some water with the ginger powder/grated. Then, blend and process until smooth.

2. At the same time, heat the pot with one tablespoon of butter. Wait until the butter is melted then put all the blended ingredients into the pot. Let them be heated for few minutes.

3. Then, put the single fresh cream, turmeric, pepper and salt. Warm through gently over a low heat.

4. Make sure, the colour of the soup turns into yellowish.The taste of the soup is act. sweet.You can taste the carrot flava.Leave it on the stove for 2-3 minutes then serve!

Inspired by,

Try it, you wouldn't be dissapointed:)
